
Thursday, 27 May 2010

Walking in the rain...

The city has two faces on a rainy day.  There's the one you dream of - walking through green undergrowth, lush and sweetly scented.

Marching along to the sound of the rain on your umbrella (whilst trying your hardest to avoid taking out the eyes of all those who pass you.  Umbrella etiquette - it's a tricky one!)

And then - there's the reality.....

Sitting in traffic..............for hours!

But the rain is wonderful for one reason above all others:  it gives me a legitimate excuse to bring out the Wellies!!


Monday, 24 May 2010

Kiwi Style Rules!

New Zealand - you gotta love it.  We have space, natural beauty, clean air....and style.  Heaps of style!!!  When I returned from a recent trip to Europe, I came with a suitcase (ok, two suitcases) full of the latest styles.  I had raided Topshop, scoured Camden, decimated Brick Lane.... And for all my new stylish acquirements, I got quite a shock....
Because my fellow Kiwi's, they're a stylish lot.  We may not have the enormous range of shops that the major cities have, but then...perhaps that's the point?  We have to work a little harder and use a lot more imagination.

And that's what makes our style so interesting and appealing - it's  not Australian  unique.