
Thursday 30 December 2010

Red too...

That's the beautiful thing with red hair - it comes in so many different shades!  The possibilities are virtually endless!  (Plus it complements so many colours - blue, green......your hair truly becomes an accessory!)


Tuesday 28 December 2010


Ever since I was small I have wanted red hair!  I just knew that I was meant to be a redhead.....something had just gone wrong during my beginnings!!!  I spent me youth regularly suffering through ammonia-laden dyes and henna treatments (that occasionally turned green....didn't want to be a green-head....)

I had only recently, finally, made peace with the "mouse-brown" that was my reality, when:  I found my first grey hair!!!!!!!!  Well-meaning folks around me said "where?  I see no grey hair?", but I knew it was true.  And then my sister confirmed it.

So now, I have to dye my hair - and what colour do you think I have chosen?  Yep - red!


Monday 27 December 2010

Simple pleasures....

Oh the joys of a kiwi kids christmas.....

I hope everyone is having a great christmas season, and that the new year ahead brings much happiness!!!!


Friday 24 December 2010

Diamonds are forever..... are memories, and here is a distant memory from a time long past - London Fashion Week ss10/11!  This was a glimpse of Marina (of Marina and the Diamonds), before I had ever heard her fabulous music!  The clashing combo of colours ensures that this is an outfit that people will notice - and being noticed is a definite speciality of the British designer Ashish!

And may I just say that while the whole 'black-lipstick-thing' never really seemed to get off the ground, I think it looks really cool!  But alas, while I completely love this look, I never quite had the balls to actually attempt it myself??


Tuesday 21 December 2010

Prints charming....

While I have always been more of a "plain" person, I have found myself looking more and more covetously at the prints on offer this summer.  Floaty florals, paisley patterns.....they're all there - and more!  Wear just one item, or pile patterns on top of patterns!

There is a fabulous freedom to fashion now - a perfect time to break out of my "plain" rut and begin experimenting with these 'charming prints.  ;-)


Sunday 19 December 2010

Natural Style

I guess it was only recently, really, that it truly occurred to me how often the clothes we adorn ourselves with are a direct reflection of designs, colours and shapes that occur naturally in the world around us.   Floral or plant adorned designs bloomed on the catwalks this season, with designers such as Stella McCartney borrowing straight from their much loved gardens.

Whether it's as clear as a floral fabric, as abstract as......say, a waterfall, represented in a fortuny pleat, or as literal as a heart shaped leaf stamped on hosiery, mother nature is still a fabulous style muse and icon.


Saturday 18 December 2010

Shop Decorations.....

Just for fun, here is one of the many gorgeous christmas displays on offer at Wellington's Kirkcaldie & Stains department store this year.  They always make a huge festive effort, and each year sees them improve on the last...

ooking forward to next year already Kirks!


Friday 17 December 2010

High standing....

There is something I like more than fashion, more than style, more than almost anything!  Books!  Anyone who knows me is very aware of just how much I like my books, and this is a welcome, and already greatly loved, addition to the library.

From Where I Stand is a sublime collection of Mary McCartney's photographs, and includes both public and private images.  Having been privileged enough to gain access to some of the iconic moments in both fashion and music worlds, and having been lucky enough to know some of the most creative and ground-breaking personalities of our times, these pictures are a magical peek behind the curtain - a glimpse of fame, fashion and showbiz that we rarely get!

Throughout my life I have (all too rare) moments when I contemplate giving up my worldly goods and attempting to live a life of freedom, no longer tied down with clutter and "stuff".  However.......there is one thing that always brings an end to these thoughts of a zen-like existence - I simply couldn't be without my books!!!!

ertainly, from where
I stand, Mary McCartney's latest offering does absolutely nothing to diminish my passion for books!


Saturday 4 December 2010

Loving Mondays

It was a joyous day indeed when (a few years ago now) Cheap Monday arrived in Wellington.  At LAST it was possible to find a pair of jeans that fit well, constructed from great denim, that you didn't need to take out a second mortgage to purchase!  I had long wondered why, WHY was it that cheap affordable meant ugly "stylishly challenged" when it came to jeans!  This seemed to be the impossible dream......

And along came Cheap Monday.  Great cut, great denim, fantastic a word, jean heaven (alright, two words....)

So first there was the unisex denim range, and the only real problem with it was that it was constantly selling out!  Jeans were flying out the door as fast as they were coming in, and I am ashamed to admit that, as much as I wanted to share the good news that was Cheap Monday with my friends, I simply couldn't risk the competition....

Slowly, more of the label began filtering through: soft cotton t-shirts, leather shorts etc.  And now we have the sunglasses.  Great styles, great quality, GREAT a word, shades heaven (alright - two words!!!)
