
Monday, 24 January 2011

Not a Country Road, Wellington....

I've just been getting drowned at the Big Day Out in Auckland, but more on that later.....  For now, here's a shot I took of some kids.....I don't recall why really.  (I think I was actually trying to shoot the road they were crossing, if I'm honest).  But when I looked at the picture later I was surprised to see a Country Road bag - a real icon from my childhood.  Back then, Country Road was only just available in New Zealand, and these bags were a MAJOR deal!  They were THE bag to be seen with on the beach or at the pool, & they were marvelous at what they did - spacious enough to hold everything, with room left spare!  But as with most things from the 80's/early 90's, they slowly disappeared into the clothing bins and attic spaces of NZ.

To my astonishment, I have recently seen them all over the place....  It's lovely - like spotting a childhood friend across the street.  You may not feel its appropriate to go "coo-eee" and cross over, but it brings back fabulous memories nevertheless;  not to mention, it's comforting to know they're still out there somewhere....
