The annual Armageddon Expo rolled into town recently, giving fanboys, geek-girls, (and my nephew), agreat day out*. The timing was somewhat ironic too, as I have recently rediscovered something of a passion for 'Wonder Woman'!
Yes, Wonder remember her, don't you? The femme fatale of superheroes, that goddess in red white and blue, the 'X' chromosome to Superman's 'Y'. With her boomerang headwear and bullet foiling bracelets, she gave young girls like myself something to live up to, (and young boys something to live for)!
But she shared more than her super powers with stars such as Superman - they also shared an incredible knowledge of what a change of clothes can achieve! Indeed, if you were looking for evidence of the transformative power of clothing you need look no further than Wonder Woman...... Depending on her clothing choices she was either a meek and mild "everywoman" or a Superhero with crime-stopping powers! Not only that, but she could render herself virtually unrecognizable with each whirlwind wardrobe visit!!
So there you have it - dress this way and you are just an average soul, but dress this way** and there will be little that can stand in your way!
* (Not such a great day out for the wallet!)
**NB: You should probably be aware, this will likely entail wearing something super-short and super-tight! Oh, and you better hope that you suit the colours red, white, and blue!