
Friday, 18 March 2011

Little Brown Bag.....

This bag reminds me of the case my grandfather kept his binoculars in.  Oh, how many happy hours I used to while away, this bag lying at my feet, the binoculars it housed pressed to my eyes, spying on the neighbours and any innocent passers-by!  I loved the smell of the old leather, the feel of its soft, aged leather, the red lining.......

The only trouble I have with this type of bag is that, sadly, it's really only large enough to carry a pair of binoculars!!  Like most women, I need something roughly the size of a rubbish sack to tote my 'essential' worldly goods around, (note that the person carrying this one is a man.....note also that men seem to have no need to take anything with them when they leave the house, unlike us females who invariably need everything, up to (and frequently including) the kitchen sink!  As you can see, you won't find many plumbers carrying their goods in a bag of these dimensions!!  Pity really - it would drastically raise the "style" of plumbers everywhere!

(Must fly - I'm off to Summerset Festival at the Basin Reserve;  a field normally home to cricket and its fans will, for one day only, be taken over by dozens of bands and their loving fans!)
