Anyone who knows me, knows that I love nail-polish - and here's why......
I'll let you in on a little secret: I used to bite my nails furiously, ferociously, relentlessly! And I didn't stop at the nail.....oh no........I kept right on going, gnawing my nails to the (figurative) bone! I tell you, it got to the point where I would hide my hands, dreading the looks of horror that they invariably elicited from anyone who caught a glimpse. But THEN............
I painted my nails! That was all it took to cure me of my cannibalistic* habits! I took one look at my pretty nails and simply couldn't bear to hurt them - I was cured, forever!!
Anyway, getting back to the point - today I was presented with a fabulous free gift - a glorious red nail-polish, and interestingly, it is a collaboration between nail-care giants Orly, and Trilogy, that ever-so-popular beauty brand from Down Under! I am a HUGE fan of collaborations - indeed, following the enormous success of the recent pairing of Karen Walker and Beau Coops, I wait with anticipation to see who will combine their talents next! Hmmmmm........."Cybele for Glassons" perhaps
* Apparently, (according to, it is not actually called 'cannibalism' if you eat yourself! No, it is referred to as 'autophagia'! Now you know.
UPDATE: I thought it worth letting you know that amazingly, this nailpolish stayed put for over two weeks - two weeks, it should be mentioned, during which I did the gardening, sans gloves, and mowed the lawns!
My verdict? I am fairly impressed!!!!