
Tuesday, 9 November 2010

One RIng....

I bumped into a friend the other day & I couldn't help noticing the ring he was wearing.  I love the ruby eyes and diamond eyebrows, & it got me thinking - I really like jewellery on men!  And I particularly like that more and more men are starting to wear it.....

Indeed, jewellery seems to have had something of a renaissance over the past few years.  Labels here in New Zealand such as Company of Strangers, Deadly Ponies and Stolen Girlfriends Club, to name just a few, are producing imaginative and creative pieces infused with a dark Kiwi humour.  And this "gothic" trend can be seen in the incredible work of Pamela Love and William Llewellyn Griffiths, alongside many many others.  

And while women are buying these offerings in droves, I think there is a masculinity to them that means men are indulging too.  I, for one, say long may this trend last!!!
