
Friday 18 March 2011

Little Brown Bag.....

This bag reminds me of the case my grandfather kept his binoculars in.  Oh, how many happy hours I used to while away, this bag lying at my feet, the binoculars it housed pressed to my eyes, spying on the neighbours and any innocent passers-by!  I loved the smell of the old leather, the feel of its soft, aged leather, the red lining.......

The only trouble I have with this type of bag is that, sadly, it's really only large enough to carry a pair of binoculars!!  Like most women, I need something roughly the size of a rubbish sack to tote my 'essential' worldly goods around, (note that the person carrying this one is a man.....note also that men seem to have no need to take anything with them when they leave the house, unlike us females who invariably need everything, up to (and frequently including) the kitchen sink!  As you can see, you won't find many plumbers carrying their goods in a bag of these dimensions!!  Pity really - it would drastically raise the "style" of plumbers everywhere!

(Must fly - I'm off to Summerset Festival at the Basin Reserve;  a field normally home to cricket and its fans will, for one day only, be taken over by dozens of bands and their loving fans!)


Wednesday 16 March 2011

Grab it while you can.....

Wellingtonians, grab the last days of summer while it's here!  The days are getting shorter, the weather's getting colder (yep, it did get warm there for a time), and the colder months are on their way.  The good thing, of course, is that this is the time of year when you get to greet winter wardrobe staples like old friends.....
Hah! - what am I talking about!  Get out the bathing suit*, get to the beach, and grab that sunshine.......while you still can.  And, if you choose to brave the waters .....weeeeeeeeell.....I'll be the one cheering you on from the warmth of dry land  ;-) !


*  I am loving lowcut swimsuits - I think they have the great benefit of making everyone who dons one suddenly appear as though they are a 50's pin-up, with the womanly curves that are so attractive in real life!  

Monday 14 March 2011

Trilogy Red....

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love nail-polish - and here's why......

I'll let you in on a little secret:  I used to bite my nails furiously, ferociously, relentlessly!  And I didn't stop at the nail.....oh no........I kept right on going, gnawing my nails to the (figurative) bone!  I tell you, it got to the point where I would hide my hands, dreading the looks of horror that they invariably elicited from anyone who caught a glimpse.  But THEN............

I painted my nails!  That was all it took to cure me of my cannibalistic* habits!  I took one look at my pretty nails and simply couldn't bear to hurt them - I was cured, forever!!

Anyway, getting back to the point - today I was presented with a fabulous free gift - a glorious red nail-polish, and interestingly, it is a collaboration between nail-care giants Orly, and Trilogy, that ever-so-popular beauty brand from Down Under!  I am a HUGE fan of collaborations - indeed, following the enormous success of the recent pairing of Karen Walker and Beau Coops, I wait with anticipation to see who will combine their talents next!  Hmmmmm........."Cybele for Glassons" perhaps

* Apparently, (according to, it is not actually called 'cannibalism' if you eat yourself!  No, it is referred to as 'autophagia'!  Now you know.

UPDATE:  I thought it worth letting you know that amazingly, this nailpolish stayed put for over two weeks - two weeks, it should be mentioned, during which I did the gardening, sans gloves, and mowed the lawns!  
My verdict?  I am fairly impressed!!!! 

Friday 11 March 2011

Are we really here again?

Man, it feels like nowhere near enough time has passed since I was last here saying how shocked and saddened I was by one tragedy - now here we are again!  And this time it's even worse, if that's possible!  At times like this I think we cease to be 'Japanese', New Zealander, Australian, etc - we just become 'citizens of planet earth', and if nothing else, it is truly heartwarming to see how swiftly people from around the globe mobilize to come to the aid of those in need!  My best wishes go out to those in Japan, and around the world, who will be touched by this new disaster.


Sunday 6 March 2011

The long and short of it.....

As a young girl growing up, I made the same huge mistake that so many young girls make - I believed that, basically, to be sexy, it had to be short!  I rolled the top of my school uniform over to shorten hemline, (deliberately failing to notice the way it now gathered and puckered ridiculously round the waistline); I placated my parents by leaving the house in 'sensible' skirts, only to disappear into public toilets, reappearing seconds later (a la Wonder Woman) in a skirt so short that.....well, you get the idea!

Moving forward through life has taught me many things, but one particular important sartorial lesson has been the allure of length!  I see now the error of my young selfs ways: how gorgeously feminine, and downright sexy, a long flowing skirt can be!  They flatter so many more people than their shorter versions, and there is a fabulous sensation of fabric flowing around you when you walk.  Wellington, in particular, is perfectly suited to the long skirt - the wind here allowing passers-by to fully appreciate the effect!

Oh, and length is everywhere for the coming seasons, so there'll be something for everyone............and for those among us who simply can not accept that "sexy" can be anything but revealing, there are the see-thru chiffon versions - romantic and sexy ;-) !


Thursday 3 March 2011

This ones for you.....

There are lots of styles I (secretly) remember fondly from the 80' skirts, double belts worn low on the hips and oh so many more.  But one of my favourites from the era that taste forgot 'temporarily misplaced' is was the chunky knit/drop-shouldered/vest-type-thing!  You know the one?  It has perhaps been buried under the memories of frill-necked blouses and bubblegum jeans, but seeing this girl in her top the other day brought the recollections flooding back.

I love the wide armholes, the wide stripes, but mostly I love the Canterbury colours!  It couldn't be a more appropriate top to wear at this, this ones for you Christchurch!!!!


(PS. What I love more than anything is to see how the citizens of New Zealand band together when it's needed!!  We may clash on the sports fields occasionally, but when the chips are down we more than pull together!  Nice one NZ....)

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Round the outside....

It's not just the outside of our selves we like to "dress up" - we also like to have some say in the decorating of our homes.  And if we happen to live and work at the same place, well.....all the better!
Wellington Tattoo studio Underground Arts has found a new home, right on the corner of Vivian and Victoria Streets, and owner Steve Maddock has set about ensuring that his building is "dressed" to his taste.  The results are going to be spectacular when finished, but already this is one place that is hard to miss!

I must add too, that I am insanely jealous of anyone who can say "I'd like a dragon on the outside of my place", and then has the ability to realize that dream!  I myself, was someone who:

a)    dreamed of being a famous guitarist………………..but never quite got   round to learning how to play guitar…..something my dream required, and
b)  yearned to be a prima ballerina....................but had terminally flat feet, and
c)   always wanted to express my deepest thoughts, to lay all my feelings out in paint on canvas………………but didn’t have the ability to draw a convincing stickman, let alone a vase of sunflowers!

Thus thwarted in my own ambitions, I have to settle with appreciating....and sharing....the work of other, more talented, people.  Hello Steve..................


(PS. How strange it was to finish this post, only to find a "Learn to Play Guitar Now" advertisement flashing up on my Google Dashboard  ;-)  ........)